Monitoring alerts

About monitoring alerts

Monitoring alerts enable you to send automated email notifications when subscriber data usage exceeds an upper or lower threshold.

For example, you might want to send notifications when data usage:

  • Approaches the maximum allowed for a rate plan
  • Exceeds the maximum allowed for a rate plan

Note: Subscribers are not automatically barred when they exceed a defined usage threshold. The account holder should take appropriate action when an alert is triggered.

Types of monitoring alerts

You can apply monitoring alerts at different levels (threshold types), such as individual subscribers, subscriber groups, or the entire company. The following table describes these options in detail.

Threshold type Trigger
Subscriber A specified subscriber exceeds a data usage threshold.
Whole Company Any subscriber within your company exceeds a data usage threshold.
Subscriber Group (Aggregated) The combined data usage of subscribers in the specified group exceeds a data usage threshold.
Subscriber Group (Individual) Any subscriber in the specified group exceeds a data usage threshold.

You can set up monitoring alerts so that a single subscriber triggers more than one type of alert. For example, a subscriber could trigger both a company and individual alert.

Add a monitoring alert

Tip: Alert emails can be blocked by spam filters or rejected by a server outright. We recommend that you create a test alert and ensure that emails from the platform are safe listed.

1. Go to the Services > Monitoring Alerts page.

2. Select the Add Monitoring Alert button.

Result: The platform displays the Add Monitoring Alert form.

3. Select the type of alert from the Threshold Type list.

Result: The platform displays the relevant options. For example, if you select one of the group types, the platform prompts you to select the subscriber group.

4. Enter the lower and upper threshold values, and select the units.

  • The values must be greater than zero.
  • You must enter values for both the lower and upper thresholds.

5. Select the Add button.

Result: The platform saves the alert and displays it on the Services > Monitoring Alerts page.

Add monitoring alert recipients

1. Go to the Services > Monitoring Alerts page.

2. On the Monitoring Alert Recipients panel, in the New Email box, enter the recipient’s email address.

3. Select the Add Recipient button.

Result: The platform adds the new recipient and displays a confirmation message.

Delete a monitoring alert or recipient

1. Go to the Services > Monitoring Alerts page.

2. To delete a monitoring alert, on the Current Monitoring Alerts panel, select the Remove option next to the alert that you want to delete.

Result: The platform deletes the monitoring alert and displays a confirmation message.

3. To delete a recipient from the list, on the Monitoring Alert Recipients panel, select the Remove option next to the email address for the recipient that you want to remove.

Result: The platform deletes the recipient and displays a confirmation message.